Brief biography: I graduated as a graphic designer at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in my first years. I quickly turned to editorial design and ended up as art and production director at Editorial Bonum. I was selected to exhibit in «y/o Diseño», an exhibition of young designers at the ICI – Centro Cultural de España in Buenos Aires, which opened the doors to editorial work as a designer for Atlántida, Sudamericana, Ediciones B, Vergara, Planeta, Ateneo, Aguilar, Alfaguara, Manantial, etc. I taught at an incipient University of Palermo. Hyperinflation moved me to advertising, where I did art direction and creative direction in a couple of agencies and then I founded Iniciativa Publicidad in 1992. I worked for Telefónica, Páginas Doradas, Walt Disney World, Discovery Kids, L’Oreal, Deutz, Dow, Fundación Favaloro, among others. Developing corporate image, direct marketing, POP, packaging, signage, public roads, webs, spots, brochures, campaigns, strategic positioning and launching new products.
Photography, since my beginnings, has always complemented my activity. The growing demand for tourist material generated a survey with more than 10,000 photographs of the country that resulted in a photo bank «ImágenesArgentinas».
The passion for documenting, for audiovisuals led me to found, together with Ulises Rosell, Fortunato Films. A fruitful path that left recognised productions: El etnógrafo (documentary feature film), the series Pueblos Originarios for Canal Encuentro and La Pasarela (short film). In a similar situation, De Paula – Purdía – Rey, produced the series Médicos del Fin del Mundo and the feature documentary Un lugar en el tiempo.
The sum of all my passions came together in a project that began to take shape at the end of the 1990s: Asociación Civil Rumbo Sur. It was legally constituted in 2001. Little by little I began to dedicate myself to the NGO and to the development of my own projects to the detriment of services to third parties. From Rumbo I dedicate myself to the research, recording and dissemination of our cultural and social heritage in multiple media where I use my professional experience in design, photography, video, creation and project management. I am one of its founders and today I coordinate it.
From there I have worked with institutions such as UNDP, IWGIA, SERPAJ, CELS, UBA, CONICET, UBA, UCA, University of Córdoba, University of Richmond, LASA, RAI, CNRS, INCAA, Canal Encuentro, Museo Quinquela, Museo Gallardo, and dozens of local institutions.
Works from recent years…
2023 Pioneers. Women in Sociology. (9 web interviews) Project and production.
2020 Approximations to classical music. (4 TV episodes) Project and realisation.
2019 A place in time. Documentary feature film. Director and producer.
2018 SonArq. Músic and architecture. (6 clips) Project and direction.
2017 Letras Emergentes. 2 web seasons. Project and direction.
2016 Doctors of the end the world. (4 TV episodes) Production.
2013 Nuevas voces de la narrativa Argentina. 3 web seasons. Project and direction.
2013 Entramado de mujeres. Corto. Consejo Nacional de la Mujer. Realizador
2012 The ethnographer. Documentary feature INCAA + Mecenazgo. Fortunato Films, General Producer.
Best Documentary at Biarritz, Tucumán Cine, MenDoc, UNASUR. Silver Condor Award
2010 La Pasarela. (Cortometraje) Premio CineMigrante. Fortunato Films, Productor general
2009 Pueblos Originarios. Encuentro Channel. Series of eight documentaries on the Gran Chaco.
Nominated for Best Documentary Martín Fierro Cable 2010. Award at Espiello, Huesca.
2009 La Cumparsita. Historia de dos orillas. Documentary. Bragado. SECYT. Project and direction.
2022 Barrios y Vecinos. 6 titles. Project and realisation
2021 50000 días de Bomberos de La Boca. Direction of communication project
2021 Ultratierra. 2 titles. Editorial directio
2021 Vocación Collection. 2 titles. Integral realisation
2020 Hacedores Collection. Prelorán, cineasta de las culturas populares. Book. Editorial direction
2020 Ethnographica. 10 titles. Editorial direction
2019 Universos Literarios. Retratos entre letras. Book and photographic exhibition. Project and realisation
2019 Ser Voluntario en imágenes. Photo contest and book. Buenos Aires City, UNDP, ITAU. + CMD / 9 editions. Project and direction.
2018 Vulnerabilidad social. 4 titles. Project and direction
2018 Bomberos Voluntarios de La Boca. Querer es poder. Project and direction
2018 Gente de teatro. Project and direction
2017 Mundo Quinquela. 4 books. Project and direction
2013 Guía de seres fantásticos porteños. Editorial direction
2011 Personas en Situación de calle. Libro y documental. BuenosAires Ciudad, UBA Sociales y CCEBA. Project and direction
2011 Reflexiones dislocadas. Pensamientos filosóficos y políticos qom. Libro. UBA, AECID-CCEBA, CONICET. Project and direction.
Current virtual platforms
2023 (Heritage and memory) since 2020. Project and direction
2022 MapaSonoro. (Mapping) Project and development.
2021 (Artistic-cultural collection) Project and development.
2014 Latinoamérica en movimiento. (Short films) Project and direction.
Declared of Cultural Interest by the National Ministry of Culture Resolution EX-2017-06528463-APN-DMED#MC
2013 (Social issues) Project and direction
2011 (Volunteering) Project and direction.
2016 Premio Cuento Digital ITAU. With Grupo Alejandría, for one year only. General production
Recurrent contributor to the work of Rumbo Sur. With photographs published in La Nación, Página 12, Clarín, Infobae, Telam, Noticias, Planeta Urbano, Tiempo Argentino, El Heraldo (Colombia) and numerous digital information sites.
• Universos Literarios
2019 / 2020 Casa de la Lectura. Gobierno de Buenos Aires.
2019 Feria del Libro al Autor. Fundación el Libro.
• Borders. Gran Chaco
2014 British Museum. Anthropology and Photography. Organised by the Royal Anthropological Institute’s. London, UK
Photographic exhibition and lecture, together with 3 other photographers invited by The Wenner-Gren Foundation.
• Viaje al Chaco Central
2014 Universidad de Richmond. Virginia, EUA
2013 Latin American Studies Association LASA. Washington.
2011 Itinerancy.
Universidad de Córdoba
Museo Gallardo de Ciencias Naturales Rosario, Santa Fe
Casa de la Memoria y la Vida, Morón
Palacio Pizzurno, CABA
Festival Cine Tandil.
2010 Centro Cultural Borges. Muestra del Bicentenario. Book+travelling photographic exhibition.UBA, AECID-CCEBA, CELS, SERPAJ, Embajada de Suecia.
• Paseros y changarines
2011 Centro Cultural Borges. AECID-CCEBA,
• Gente de a caballo
2011 Fiesta del Caballo. Municipalidad de Bragado.
• Ser Voluntario en Imágenes (curaduría y organización 10 ediciones)
2011-2020 Itinerancia. CC Borges, CMD, Manzana de las luces, Legislatura CABA, Casa de la Cultura, Museo Perlotti, Centro Cultural del Sur, Museo de la Ciudad, entre otros
I received the 2010 Nikon-Clarín First Prize for Journalistic Photography in the Culture Category for «Noche Pilagá» published in La Nación.
In 2014 I was invited by the Royal Anthropological Institute and The Wenner-Gren Foundation to exhibit at the British Museum.
To accompany the process of these years, I took a postgraduate course in Cultural Management at FLACSO.
Institutional links
Asociación Civil Rumbo Sur / President – Project Manager
Bomberos Voluntarios de La Boca / Board of Directors – Outreach and Archive and Museum Management
Junta Central de Estudios Históricos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires / – Project Management
Asociación Amigos del Museo de la Ciudad (Friends of the City Museum Association) / Executive Committee
Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Manzana de las Luces (Historical Research Institute of the Manzana de las Luces) / Executive Committee